Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paraphrasing from Article The Effect of Video Game on The Brain. . :))

According to Kardaras (2004), video games may increase a players behavior and emotion outbursts. A game centers is a place for frustrated people punching and kicking machines out of their control and this game also can make some people go crazy. It is shown that players being to obsess into the video games and become mush inhibited to share their emotions. He said that young people who are heavy gamers will end up with an effect on their brain. This is because the beta waves from the video games show the liveliness and degree of tension in the brain. A part of that, heart rate also can be change by electrical signals from emotional centers in the brain called epinephrine that may increase heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption. Even though video games can release tense but it could give us a long term effect on the autonomic nerves.